
Did you know that Ginger has been a staple in food and Eastern medicine for thousands of years?! Originating in the Southeast Asian countries ginger has made its way accross the globe, spicing food and treating ailments. Ginger is widely known for its anti-inflammatory, anti oxidant, and anti-nausea effects. Western medicine has just begun to dive into the health benefits and effects that ginger can have on different conditions and illnesses. However, Eastern medicine has been using ginger for thousands of years. Its ability to calm gastrointestinal upset has been widely known for a very long time. Ginger increases saliva production as well as increases the production of digestive juices, both of which will help to more efficiently digest food and calm stomache upset. What we are learning is that Ginger may be especially helpful for moring sickness, nausea related to chemo therapy, and post surgical patients. As if that wasn't amazing enough....ginger is also thought to prevent certain types of cancers. preliminary studies have shown promising results of decreased levels of pro-inflammatory molecules, that can contribute to the development in cancer, in patients that were on a regiment of 2 grams of ginger a day. 

Commonly referred to as "Ginger Root" it may surprise you to know that ginger is not actually a root. It is a rhizome! Meaning that the peice of the plant that grows underground is not actually the root of the plant. It grows horizontally, underground. 

Ginger is a self propogating plant. That means you don't even need a seed to grow your own ginger. All you need is a peice of organic ginger from the g